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  • frequency output


  • The feasibility and superiority of hpwm applied in the inverter of wide - frequency output are verified by simulation
  • Mechanical resonant sensors are characterized by high accuracy , rapid response , excellent stability , resistance to electrical interference and digital output
  • Finally , the academic analysis is verified by the result of experimentation of the inverter of wide - frequency output sample . the quality of the waveform is insured as the rms and the frequency are varied widely
  • Because vortex flowmeter has no movable mechanical parts , the output signal of it is a frequency signal that is proportional to flow signal , and it has less pressure loss , wider measurement range , it is used widely
  • The series genrating set combination of single and three phase brushless generator 、 control panel 、 common base produced by liuzhou jiali electric manufacturing co . ltd and engine produced by nanning machine factory ( abbreviation : nanji ) 、 changzhou engine co . ltd ( abbreviation : changfa ) , which appears small size 、 light in weight 、 easy to start 、 low in fuel consumption and noise production with stale voltage and frequency output . it is an ideal power supply for banks 、 post office 、 public places of entertainment 、 households and pasturelands , so on
    本系列机组由柳州佳力电力电工有限责任公司生产的单相无刷发电机、控制箱及公共底座与南宁机械厂(简称南机) 、常发集团(简称常发)等柴油机厂生产的柴油机组成,具有稳定的电压和频率输出及体积小、重量轻、启动方便、油耗低、噪音低等特点,充分地体现了高性能、高质量发电机所应具备的要素,是银行、邮局、娱乐场所、家庭及牧场等的理想电源。
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