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片簧 bearing spring
片簧继电器 flat spring relay
片纸只字 just a short note
片肉片儿 slice meat
片艳纸 a machine-glazed paper
片茶 tablet tea
片言 a few words
片言九鼎 a word has the weight of nin...
片言只字 just a few words or a short ...
片言只语 a few isolated words and phr...
片言只辞 a few words and phrases
片言可决 a single word is enough to f...
片言折狱 settle a case with just a fe...
片酬 remuneration for a movie act...
片金 flake gold
片长 length of a film
片门 film gate
片面 unilateral
片面之词 an account given by one part...
片面地看问题 take a one-sided approach to...
片面夸大 one-sided exaggeration
片面宣传 biased propaganda
片面强调 one-sided stress
片面性 one-sidedness
片面性观点 lopsided view
片面最惠国待遇 unilateral most-favoured-nat...
片面的决定 a one-sided decision
片面的叙述 a one-sided account
片面的看法 a one-sided view
片面追求 one-sided pursuit of
片面追求产值 single-faceted pursuit of ou...
片面追求升学率 place undue emphasis on the ...
片鱼片儿 flake a fish
片麻岩 gneiss
printing plate
版刻 carving
版口 type page
版台 bed
版图 domain
版图辽阔 vast in territory
版式 format
版本 edition
版本学 bibliology
版本记录 colophon
版权 copyright
版权所有 all rights reserved
版权标记 copyright mark
版权法 copyright law
版权记录 copyright notice
版权诉讼 copyright action
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