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分块化 blocking
分块编码 block encoding
分块规划 partition programming
分外 particularly
分外之想 second inordinate ambition
分外之物 undue gain
分外妖娆 grow more enchanting
分外有趣 extremely amusing
分外香 especially fragrant
分外高兴 particularly happy
分头 separately
分头进行 proceed separately on a comm...
分好了工就各干各的去吧 Now that the work has been d...
分娩 deliver
分娩机制 mechanism of labour
分娩机理 mechanism of labor
分子 numerator molecule
分子式 molecular formula mood
分子式是一回事 He didn't know that water an...
分子束 molecular beam
分子筛 molecular sieve
分子量 molecular weight
分子量分布 molecular weight distributio...
分子量控制 molecular weight control
分室 locellus
分家 divide up family property an...
分寸 proper limits for speech or ...
分封制 the system of enfeoffment
分封诸侯 grant titles and territories...
分局 local central office
分层 lamination
分居 live apart
分居两处 live in two separate places
分居协议 deed of separation
分居赡养费 separate maintenance
分岔 fork
分岔处 turnoff
分岔电路 channel circuit
分岔隧道 offspur tunnel
分崩离析 fall apart
分工 divide the work
分工交换关系 economic specialization or e...
分工制 division of labour
分工协作 farm-out
分工合作 work in cooperation with a d...
分工很细 have an elaborate division o...
分工细密 finer division of labour
分工负责 division of labour with indi...
分工负责制 system of division of work a...
分布 distribute
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