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疱症病毒 herpes virus
疲乏 weary
疲乏不堪 be weary
疲于奔命 be tired from rushing around
疲倦 tired
疲倦得发晕 be faint with fatigue
疲倦的神色 weary expression
疲劳 tired
疲劳审问 persistent cross-examination...
疲劳度 fatigue strength
疲劳强度 fatigue strength
疲劳故障 wear-out failure
疲劳断裂 fatigue fracture
疲劳极限 fatigue limit
疲劳沮丧 be reduced to a tired and de...
疲劳试验 fatigue test
疲劳轰炸 air raids aimed at exhaustin...
疲劳过度 excessive fatigue
疲塌 slack
疲弱 tired and weak
疲惫 feel or look exhausted
疲惫不堪 extremely tired
疲惫敌军 wear down the enemy forces
疲敝 be running low
疲癃 aged and suffering from vari...
疲竭 breakdown
疲软 fatigued and weak
疲软的市场 a weak market
疲顿 tired out
infantile malnutrition due t...
疳积 infantile malnutrition
疳积上目 infantile keratomalacia
疳证 infantile malnutrition
疵品 bad work
疵布 defective cloth
疵点 flaw
疵点测量计 blemish meter
疵颣 defects
疸见 "疙疸"
疹子 eruption
疹病 exanthesis
疼得够戗 unbearably painful
疼得直像针扎一样 feel a piercing pain
疼得直叫唤 cry out with pain
疼得直咧嘴 grin with pain
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