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病人 patient
病人两天没有吃东西了 The patient hasn't eaten any...
病人仅能勉强坐起来 The patient was but poorly a...
病人今天好多了 The patient is much better t...
病人多长命 A creaking door hangs the lo...
病人对药物的反应 patient's reaction to a drug...
病人对饮食要多加检点 Sick people should be carefu...
病人已完全康复了 The patient is perfectly rec...
病人已朝不保夕 The patient's condition is c...
病人得到及时治疗 receive timely treatment
病人怕不行了 The patient won't pull throu...
病人情况危急 The patient's condition is c...
病人护养法 nosotrophy
病人拥被而坐 The patient sat wrapped in a...
病人有护士侍候 The patient has a nurse atte...
病人服药后腹痛遂止 The patient's stomachache st...
病人烧得厉害 The patient's running a high...
病人的情况在一天天坏下去 The patient is getting worse...
病人的生命在危急中 The life of the sick man is ...
病人的病情恶化了 The patient took a turn for ...
病人的血压平稳 The patient's blood pressure...
病人监护器 patient monitor
病人被抬上担架时在痛苦地呻吟着 The patient groaned painfull...
病人诉说他食欲不振 The patient complained of in...
病人需要安静 The patient needs peace and ...
病从口入 Disease enters by the mouth.
病休 sick rest
病例 case
病例报告 case report
病倒了 fall ill
病倒床上 keep one's bed
病假 sick leave
病假工资 sick pay
病假条 certificate for sick leave
病儿 sick child
病兆 symptom of a disease
病入膏肓 Disease has spread to the vi...
病况 state of an illness
病加重期 anabasis
病势 degree of seriousness of an ...
病势危殆 be dangerously ill
病势很凶 terribly ill
病势很重 be seriously ill. important
病包儿 a person who is always falli...
病卒 die of illness
病危 be critically ill
病危期 apogee
病历 medical record
病历夹 dassier
病历室 records room
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