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  • Yes , but i grow at a reasonable pace , said the dormouse : not in that ridiculous fashion . and he got up very sulkily and crossed over to the other side of the court
    “是的,但是我是合理地生长,不是长成可笑的样子, ”睡鼠说着,不高兴地站了起来,转到法庭的另一边去了。
  • Animals in winter this dormouse is running though a meadow ; in spring and summer , the meadow was full of flowers , but now it looks different . it is autumn
  • Once upon a time there were three little sisters , the dormouse began in a great hurry ; and their names were elsie , lacie , and tillie ; and they lived at the bottom of a well -
    睡鼠急急忙忙地讲了: “从前有三个小姐妹,她们的名字是:埃尔西莱斯蒂尔莉,她们住在一个井底下”
  • He moved on as he spoke , and the dormouse followed him : the march hare moved into the dormouse s place , and alice rather unwillingly took the place of the march hare
  • Twinkle , twinkle - " here the dormouse shook itself , and began singing in its sleep twinkle , twinkle , twinkle , twinkle - and went on so long that they had to pinch it to make it stop
    睡鼠抓了摇身子,在睡梦中开始唱道: “闪啊,闪啊,闪啊,闪啊, ”一直唱下去,直到他们捅,了它一下才停止。
  • Alice was beginning very angrily , but the hatter and the march hare went sh ! sh ! and the dormouse sulkily remarked , if you can t be civil , you d better finish the story for yourself
    帽匠和三月兔不停地发出“嘘嘘”的声音,睡鼠生气地说: “如果你不讲礼貌,那么最好你自己来把故事讲完吧。 ”
  • Pinch him ! off with his whiskers ! for some minutes the whole court was in confusion , getting the dormouse turned out , and , by the time they had settled down again , the cook had disappeared
    “掐住那个睡鼠的脖子, ”王后尖叫起来, “把它斩首,把它撵出法庭,制止它,掐死它,拔掉它的络腮胡子! ”
  • Ry , even a sun - dial , " and having ten minutes before me , and my strawberries being ripe , when a day longer - by - the - by , sir , do you think dormice eat them ?
    说到这里,他望了一眼日规,在这个蒙得雷花园里一切都备,连日规都有,还有十分钟,我的草莓已经熟了,再过一天且慢,先生,你认为睡鼠吃草莓吗? ”
  • Alice did not quite know what to say to this : so she helped herself to some tea and bread - and - butter , and then turned to the dormouse , and repeated her question . why did they live at the bottom of a well
    这回爱丽丝不知该说什么了,只得自己倒了点茶,拿了点奶油面包,再向睡鼠重复她的问题: “她们为什么要住在井底下呢? ”
  • One hypothesis is that the prairie dogs contracted the virus from infected dormice , rope squirrels , or gambian giant rats , which were housed in the same animal - holding facility or pet shop as the prairie dogs
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