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  • Deputy Health minister David Parirenyatwa appealed for doctors to immediately return to work.
  • The radio said Muzenda died at the main Parirenyatwa hospital in the capital, Harare.
  • Zimbabwe Health Minister David Parirenyatwa said he was awaiting the results of the ebola tests.
  • The major satellite campus is the Medical School campus at Parirenyatwa Hospital in central Harare.
  • He died on April 5, 1986 at Parirenyatwa Hospital in Harare from cryptococcal meningitis.
  • Health Minister David Parirenyatwa urged doctors to return to work in the interests of their patients.
  • Parirenyatwa defended his government's policies, blaming food shortages on bad weather and economic factors.
  • Health Minister David Parirenyatwa said the hungry included 1.6 million children under the age of 5.
  • Health Minister David Parirenyatwa on Wednesday dispatched police, army and prison doctors to replace striking medical staff.
  • Hunzvi was elected to parliament in 2000, but died in 2001 in Harare's Parirenyatwa Hospital.
  • It's difficult to see parirenyatwa in a sentence. 用parirenyatwa造句挺难的
  • Nkomo subsequently phoned Parirenyatwa at his collision with a speeding train, which dragged it for several metres.
  • In Bulawayo A5 starts as First Avenue and you can pick it from its intersection with Samuel Parirenyatwa Street.
  • Parirenyatwa, the only hospital in the country with the facilities to perform open heart surgery, no longer offers this surgery.
  • Muzenda was admitted to the critical care unit at the Parirenyatwa hospital last month after returning from receiving medical treatment in China.
  • Transport Department spokesman Perry Parirenyatwa said earlier this week that traffic remained heavy on many major highways as people headed home from the holiday.
  • Even Reuben Jamela, with whom Parirenyatwa had enjoyed a cordial working relationship, chose to attend  despite the hostility incurred from radicals present.
  • Members of Hunzvi's National Liberation War Veterans Association had stood vigil outside the Coronary Care Unit at Parirenyatwa hospital north of the city center.
  • Members of his National Liberation War Veterans Association had been keeping vigil outside the coronary unit of the state Parirenyatwa Hospital north of the city center.
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