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音标:[ bùmíngbùbái ]  发音:  


  • not clear, also not open; with no clear reason whatever; obscure; doubtful; dubious; indecent


  • If you do , you ' ll never know what happened to you
  • They aiways get you with those hidden fees , don ' t they aiex
  • There is often an eent , such as an unexplained fall , that alerts the person to the fact that something is wrong
  • The obvious turning point was the dismissal of spurs forward mido . martin jol was disappointed but understanding of the referee ' s decision
  • Those who have no prior knowledge about the conflict between north and south korea should also have no problem comprehending the story . compared to the enjoyable story of suspense , the relationship of the characters are somewhat less impressive
  • Song pays the ransom but later finds out that her daughter is dead . he makes up his mind to fight back by all means ! what i like about this movie is that park chan - wook attempted to tell a story with the minimum amount of dialogues possible
  • Song pays the ransom but later finds out that her daughter is dead . he makes up his mind to fight back by all means ! what i like about this movie is that park chan - wook attempted to tell a story with the minimum amount of dialogues possible
  • He clung to one idea - that of his happiness , destroyed , without apparent cause , by an unheard - of fatality ; he considered and reconsidered this idea , devoured it so to speak , as the implacable ugolino devours the skull of archbishop roger in the inferno of dante
  • " yes , i know what you mean , " he said ; " you refer to the terrible rumors spread abroad in the world , that the deaths which have kept me in mourning for the last three months , and from which valentine has only escaped by a miracle , have not happened by natural means .
    维尔福望着她。极力想看透男爵夫人的心思“是了,我知道您想说什么, ”他说, “您指的是外界散布的那些可怕的流言蜚语,三个月来我家里的那些人不明不白死去,还有瓦朗蒂娜奇迹般地幸免于难。 ”


  • 不明不白的韩语:【성어】 불분명하다. 애매[모호]하다. 他的态度是不明不白的; 그의 태도가 모호하다 →[糊hú里糊涂] [含hán糊(1)] [暧ài昧(1)]
  • 不明不白的俄语:pinyin:bùmíngbùbái обр. 1) ни с того ни с сего; сдуру, по глупости 2) туманный, неясный, смутный, путаный; неясно, смутно, пугано
  • 不明不白什么意思:bù míng bù bái 【解释】指说话含含糊糊,很不清楚。也形容行为暧昧。 【出处】元·无名氏《连环计》第四折:“怎么不明不白,着他父子每胡厮闹了一夜。” 【示例】薛婆当时满脸堆下笑来,便道:“大官人休得错怪。老身一生不曾要别人一厘一毫~的钱财。”(明·冯梦龙《古今小说》卷一) 【拼音码】bmbb 【灯谜面】隔门看月;黑纸糊灯笼天亮再说;黑纸糊灯笼;下车伊始宜缄口 【用法】联合式;...
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