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音标:[ ǒuxīnlìxuè ]  发音:  


  • make painstaking efforts; make every effort to [do one's best to] achieve perfection; shed one's heart blood; spare no pains; strain one's heart and mind; take infinite pains; throw all one's energy into; through painstaking effort; work one's heart out; work indefatigably; work with might and main


  • It derives from the highest creative effort of all one's forces .
  • He composed his musical works day after day in painstaking fashion
  • To be grateful to our teachers who work heart out to teach and cultivate me
  • Do you know what you have done ? do you know how many years our father worked for peace
  • Gyu ' s staff made every endeavor to achieve gyu ' s prosperity and brought gyu a new developing potential space
  • I feel that this award was not made to me as a man , but to my work , a life ' s work in the agony and sweat of the human spirit
  • Happy birthday , my respected teacher . white hairs report your long labrious days . wrinkles contain your labor of taking indefinite pains
  • The beaver has always been associated with hard work . the moscow olympic bear " misha " was developed by the renowned illustrator of children s books victor chizikov
  • He worked on the r d of biotechnology from an early time and then first presented the idea that " rapid propagation is a leading and high efficient industry "
  • As parents , it should not be looked on as sacrifice to work all out set up a glorios condition without paymen , on the contrary , it should be looked on as a kind of instinct as well as obligation
  • 更多例句:  1  2


  • 呕心沥血的泰文
  • 呕心沥血的法语:suer sang et eau;se donner une peine de tous les diables;ne pas compter sa fatigue pour aboutir à
  • 呕心沥血的日语:〈成〉苦心して文章を書くことをいう. 可以说,这些作品是作者呕心沥血,甚至 shènzhì 是用生命写出来的/これらの作品はいずれも作者が心血を注いだもので,命を賭けて書き上げたものだと言っても過言ではない.
  • 呕心沥血的韩语:☞[呕尽心血]
  • 呕心沥血的俄语:pinyin:ǒuxīnlìxuè вложить всю душу (напр. в работу); излить всю кровь своего сердца (напр. в произведении)
  • 呕心沥血什么意思:ǒu xīn lì xuè 【解释】呕:吐;沥:一滴一滴。比喻用尽心思。多形容为事业、工作、文艺创作等用心的艰苦。 【出处】唐·李商隐《李长吉小传》:“是儿要当呕出心乃已尔。”唐·韩愈《归彭城》诗:“刳肝以为纸,沥血以书辞。” 【示例】~,讴歌社会主义,受到群众的欢迎。(臧克家《老舍永在》) 【拼音码】oxlx 【用法】联合式;作谓语、定语、状语;含褒义 【英文】exert one's ...
呕心沥血的英文翻译,呕心沥血英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译呕心沥血,呕心沥血的英文意思,嘔心瀝血的英文呕心沥血 meaning in English嘔心瀝血的英文呕心沥血怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。