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音标:[ rúrú ]  发音:  


  • tattva
  • the double ru


  • For any dispute , the judge will make the final decision
    F .如如如如如如如,裁超如迟的的裁裁裁。
  • 107 story world the immovable cabinets story world the immovable cabinets
  • Narrated by lu ruru , a child from mainland china recorded by grandmother lu originally in chinese
  • The lord of the mind , the perceiver , is ever aware of the constantly active mind stuff , the effect - producing cause
  • I am a child from china and my name is ruru . i am seven years and nine months old and am in the second grade
  • If you are ready , please first select the type of document to enter the relevant stamp duty computation input page
  • We shook our heads with disappointment as she mentioned that many people had tried to change her , but she could not be moved
  • People , events and things are all living sutras that cultivate wisdom and discipline the mind to remain undisturbed in the face of phenomenon
  • In the case of the man who has achieved yoga ( or union ) the objective universe has ceased to be . yet it existeth still for those who are not yet free
  • If we continue to struggle in our hearts and remain in misery without seeking the way to liberation while regarding " stubbornness " as " firmness , " we make a big mistake
  • 更多例句:  1  2


  • 如如的韩语:【문어】 (1)[형용사]〈불교〉 불변이다. 변함이 없다. 如如不动; 일체 사물은 근본적으로 불변이다 (2)[접미사] 형용사 뒤에 붙어서 상태를 나타냄. (3)[동사] 서로 따르다. 상호 관련되다.
  • 如如的俄语:pinyin:rúrú 1) следовать за...; последовательный; один за другим 2) второй месяц (по лунному календарю) 3) поистине, в самом деле 4) будд. бхутататата (Bhutatathata, истинное...
  • 如如什么意思:  1.  佛教语。 谓诸法皆平等不二的法性理体。 如, 理的异名。    ▶ 隋 慧远 《大乘义章》卷三: “诸法体同, 故名为如……彼此皆如, 故曰如如。”    ▶ 唐 慧能 《坛经‧行由品》: “万境自如如, 如如之心, 即是真实。”    ▶ 唐 李邕 《岳麓寺碑》: “以因因入果果, ...
如如的英文翻译,如如英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译如如,如如的英文意思,如如的英文如如 meaning in English如如的英文如如怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。