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音标:[ tígāngqièlǐng ]  发音:  


  • take a net by headrope or a coat by the collar -- to concentrate on the main points; a digest; a résumé; be concise and to the point; bring out the most essential points; bring up [forward] the chief points; bring up the essential points; full of pith and point; give one a general idea of subject; give the gist of a matter; give the main points; sum up the matter


  • At last this dissertation puts forward some suggestions and measures to the internal banks
  • While stressing the essentials , teachers should concentrate on the main points and bring out the essentials
    (二)抓重点,语言要提纲挈领。 (三)破难点,语言要深入浅出。
  • Much has been put forward by tm forum on ngoss , among which , the essence is tom , put forward as system modeling
    Tmforum提出的ngoss所牵涉的内容很多,其中电信运营业务框架( tom )是作为系统模型提出来的,可以说是ngoss提纲挈领的一个方面。
  • But under the big subjects , as so far as the concrete relation between constitution and administrate law , there lacks thorough analysis
  • The lecture is not entirely teacher - centered . students are encouraged to raise questions and join discussions and they have to read quite a few materials themselves after the class
  • This paper is composed of five parts as folio wings . part one elaborates briefly the backgrounds , the status quo of research , purpose , significance , and methods of the study
  • The basic measure to improve compensatory system of land expropriation is discussed in the last three sections , including compensating for management right of contracting farmland , building up
  • This part mainly sets forth study background , aim , meaning and internal and external study trends . and study train of thought and methods are also set up
  • 更多例句:  1  2


  • 提纲挈领的法语:faire ressortir l'essentiel;dégager l'idée maîtresse;présenter qch dans ses grandes lignes;mettre en valeur les points importants;décrire qch à grands traits
  • 提纲挈领的日语:〈成〉綱を取るときは大綱を,衣服を取るときはえりを.問題の要点をつかむたとえ. 他提纲挈领地做了一个总结/彼は要点をかいつまんで総括を行った.
  • 提纲挈领的韩语:【성어】 그물 벼리를 잡고 옷깃을 거머쥐다; 요점을 간명하게 제시하다.
  • 提纲挈领的俄语:pinyin:tígāngqièlǐng ухватиться за главное, выделить суть, подчеркнуть основное
  • 提纲挈领什么意思:tí gāng qiè lǐng 【解释】抓住网的总绳,提住衣的领子。比喻抓住要领,简明扼要。 【出处】《宋史·职官志八》:“提纲而众目张,振领而群毛理。” 【示例】这位老师讲课~,且行动活泼,深受同学们的欢迎。 【拼音码】tgql 【用法】联合式;作谓语、状语、补语;含褒义 【英文】concentrate on the main points
提纲挈领的英文翻译,提纲挈领英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译提纲挈领,提纲挈领的英文意思,提綱挈領的英文提纲挈领 meaning in English提綱挈領的英文提纲挈领怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。