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音标:[ yǐ ]  发音:  


  • 助词
    1.(用在句末, 跟 “ 了” 相同)
    2.(表示感叹):毒矣哉! diabolical!; how ruthless! 吾老矣! i am really getting old
  • "矣尔斯红" 英文翻译 :    rosa lris
  • "乙醯酢酸淀粉" 英文翻译 :    starch acetoacetates
  • "矣里克森张量" 英文翻译 :    rivlin-ericksen te or; rivlin-ericksen tensor
  • "乙醯乙醯基" 英文翻译 :    acetoacetyl
  • "矣霉峭返髡耸识囊舻" 英文翻译 :    i tuned the tone of the stone phone with a bone
  • "乙醯氧基" 英文翻译 :    acetoxy
  • "以" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ动词(用; 拿) use; take 以我之长, 攻敌之短 utilize our strong points to attack the enemy's weak points; 以共同对敌的大局为重 set the general interest of fighting against the common enemy above everything elseⅡ介词1.(用; 拿) with; by 以理服人 convince people by reasoning; 赠以鲜花 present sb. with a bouquet2.(依; 按照) according to 以成绩录取新生 enroll students according to their merits; 以时启闭 open and close according to schedule; 以姓氏笔画为序 be listed in the order of the number of strokes in their surnames3.(因) because of 不以人废言 not reject a saying because the speaker is what or who he is; 不以失败自馁, 不以成功自满 not lose heart because of failure nor feel conceited because of success;以风景优美著称 be celebrated for its scenic beauty; 何以知之? how do you know? 苏州以其美丽的园林而闻名。suzhou is celebrated for her beautiful gardens. 他以有学问而出名。he is famous for his learning.4.(表示目的) in order to; so as to 以示区别 so as to distinguish this from other cases; 以应急需 in order to answer an urgent need5.[书面语] (于; 在) at (a certain time); on (a fixed date) 余以三月一日返。i returned on march the first.6.(放在单纯的方位词前, 表示时间、方位、数量的界限) 二十年以前 twenty years ago or earlier; 黄河以北 ( to the ) north of the huanghe river; 五千以内 less than five thousand; 县团以上 of county or regiment level and higherⅢ连词[书面语] (跟 “而 ”用法相同) and; as well as 淅沥以潇飒 raindrops pattering and wind rusting; 城高以厚。the city wall is high and thick.Ⅳ名词(姓氏) a surname 以相 yi xiang
  • "乙醯亚胺基" 英文翻译 :    acetylimino
  • "以 …为条件" 英文翻译 :    be tied to; be predicated on; condition sth. on; with ... as a precondition
  • "乙醯葡萄糖胺" 英文翻译 :    acetyl glucosamine


  • " those who learn the new by restudying the old may be teachers . "
  • It is possible that such cases exist .
  • Yet four lives of ordinary duration would suffice to transmit, from mouth to mouth .
  • He had seen the risen lord and that was sufficient
  • " things do change , only our feelings linger
  • Mr bloom asked , taking the card . u . p .
    布卢姆先生边接过明信片,边说, “万事休。 ”
  • Lock the stable door after the horse has been stolen
    贼去关门。 ;亡羊补牢未为晚
  • Lock the stable door after the horse has been stolen
    贼去关门。 ;亡羊补牢未为晚
  • Enjoy your prayers because you haven ' t got long
  • But if all else is lacking - love will do
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5


  • 矣的法语:副 [employé à la fin d'une phrase pour marquer l'accomplissement d'une action,comme l'auxiliaire"了"]悔之晚~.c'est trop tard pour se repentir.
  • 矣的日语:矣yǐ 〈書〉文末に用い,語気を表す.(a)平叙文の終わりに用い,話し言葉の“了”と同じ意味を表す. 由来 yóulái 久矣/由来がすでに久しい. 悔 huǐ 之晚矣/後悔しても後の祭りだ.(b)感嘆の語気を表す. 大矣哉 zāi /なんと大きいのだろう.(c)命令?希望の語気を表す. 此论可以休矣/このような論議はやめよう.
  • 矣的韩语:[조사]【문어】 (1)(문장의 끝에 쓰여) 완료를 나타냄. 悔之晚矣; 후회해도 늦었다 由来久矣; 유래가 오래다 =[了(1)] (2)감탄을 나타냄. 大矣哉!; 크구나! 毒矣哉; 독하구나! 交友之道难矣; 벗을 사귀는 길은 어렵도다! (3)결정·판단을 나타냄. 如此则事危矣; 이렇게 된즉 일은 위험하다 暴风雨将至矣; 폭풍우가 올 것 같다 (4)...
  • 矣的俄语:[yǐ] книжн. фразовая частица в вэньяне а) выражает завершённость действия 此事准备久矣 [cǐ shì zhǔnbèi jiǔ yǐ] — это дело уже давно подготовлено б) выражает восклицание 大矣哉 [dà yǐ zāi] — до чего ж...
  • 矣什么意思:yǐ ㄧˇ 1)文言助词(a.用于句末,与“了”相同,如“由来久~”,“悔之晚~”;b.表示感叹,如“大~哉”)。 翩其反矣 阅人多矣 叹观止矣 无噍类矣 耗矣哀哉 矣哉 悔之晚矣 已矣 瞠乎后矣
矣的英文翻译,矣英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译矣,矣的英文意思,矣的英文矣 meaning in English矣的英文矣怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。