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音标:[ tóuqísuǒhào ]  发音:  


  • hit on what one likes; cater to another's pleasure; cater to sb.'s wishes; cater to the need of someone; offer one what one is hankering after; rub sb. the right way; take a fancy to; take [catch; please; suit] sb.'s fancy; tickle the ear of sb.; to one's liking


  • He must be all in all to each .
  • I could not react as the world in which i lived expected me to .
  • Baby , don t front when it s time to bring the bomb
  • Silver fangs : play up to their need for respect . we need all the allies we can get
  • If you can see john brown through john brown ' s eyes , you can sell john brown what john brown bugs
  • Liz avery ' s collection of " about 30 " pairs of shoes puts her in the top bracket of an ownership survey
  • But since this cell phone is targeted towards women , i think , we should use a name that they prefer
  • Avery has fallen head over heels for shoes . and not just any shoes . stilettos are what make her go weak at the knees
  • Conclusion 1 : if one is rational , the purpose of giving others christmas gifts or cash is to please them , so if the budget constraint is the same , give christmas gifts to those who like christmas gifts , and give cash to those who like cash
    结论1 :一个理智的送礼者的目标是投其所好,预算差不多时,别人喜欢要礼物就送礼物,别人喜欢要钱就送钱。
  • The public is despotic in its temper ; it is capable of denying common justice , when too strenuously demanded as a right ; but quite as frequently it awards more than justice when the appeal is made , as despots love to have it made , entirely to its generosity


  • 投其所好的法语:aller audevant des désirs de qn;gratter qn où ça le démange;prendre qn par son point faibl
  • 投其所好的日语:あいてのこのみにあわせる 相 手の好 みに合わせる
  • 投其所好的韩语:【성어】 남[상대]의 비위를 맞추다.
  • 投其所好的俄语:pinyin:tóuqísuǒhào угождать, стараться угодить
  • 投其所好什么意思:tóu qí suǒ hào 【解释】迎合别人的喜好。 【出处】明·冯梦龙《东周列国志》第八十回:“今王志在报吴,必先投其所好,然后得制其命。” 【拼音码】tqsh 【灯谜面】往狗嘴里抛骨头;烂肉喂苍蝇;爱喝酒的不给烟抛绣球 【用法】动宾式;作谓语、宾语、定语;含贬义 【英文】cater to another's pleasure ...
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