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朗月明星 a bright moon and illuminati...
朗朗 the sound of reading aloud b...
朗朗乾坤 as bright as sun and moon
朗诵 read aloud with expression
朗诵会 recitation
朗诵者 reciter
朗读 read aloud
exploit decrease
朘削 exploit
look over
望之俨然 look dignified neatly arrang...
望便中来取你的邮件 Please come for your mail wh...
望兴 Wang Xing
望及时完成 You are expected to finish i...
望回信 Awaiting your reply.
望她点头笑了笑 nod at her and smile
望子成龙 hope one's children will hav...
望尘莫及 so far behind that one can o...
望文生义 take the words too literally
望族 distinguished family
望日 the 15th day of a lunar mont...
望早日回信 I'm looking forward to heari...
望月 full moon
望板 roof boarding
望梅止渴 quench one's thirst by think...
望楼 watchtower a surname
望江南 coffee senna
望洋兴叹 lament one's littleness befo...
望珍重身体 I hope you'll take good care...
望眼欲穿 expect to see someone who ne...
望秋先零 show the feebleness of old a...
望穿双眼 wear out one's eyes by gazin...
望穿秋水 gaze anxiously till one's ey...
望而却步 shrink back at the sight
望而生畏 be terrified by the sight of...
望观众挥手致意 wave to the spectators
望诊 observation of the patient's...
望远镜 telescope
望远镜把许多遥远的星球显现在我们的眼前 The telescope reveals many d...
望速归 Hoping you'll return as soon...
望速派人前来商谈有关赔偿事宜 We hope that a representativ...
望长久远 plan for a permanent future
望门投止 stop over wherever there is ...
望闻问切 look,listen,question and fee...
望风 be on the lookout
望风引领 gazing at the wind and stret...
望风披靡 flee pell-mell at the sight ...
望风捕影 gaze at the wind and seize t...
望风而来 come from all directions
望风而逃 run away at the rumor of the...
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