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  • (乐于接受别人的正确意见) follow correct opinions or well-intentioned advice like water flowing swiftly and smoothly downward; follow good advice readily; do good naturally and happily; follow good advice as naturally as a river follows its course; readily to accept good advice


  • You ought to play it smart and stop smoking .
  • For the government , listening to advice is the best way to win over the public
  • Thanks to master s grace , the authorities consented and immediately offered a vegetarian menu for all three meals each day
  • It is necessary for us , the merging generation of young americans , to stand for what is right and reclaim the values that have made our nation great
  • The financial secretary was therefore not crying wolf when he talked about tax increase . but the financial secretary should also take note of the dragon that is the dangerously optimistic stock market
  • Devotion to you goal makes you live a clean and orderly life , given to search for truth and to helping people , and realisation makes noble virtue easy and spontaneous , by removing for good the obstacles in the shape of desires and fears and wrong ideas
  • In particular , i would like to thank mr tsang for incorporating into his previous budgets the accountants suggestions concerning the development of the tax regime and the management of government accounts . no shining accomplishment , no brilliant achievement
  • As civil service bureau , we have a responsibility to ensure the civil service remains clean , efficient and responsive to the needs of the community , and i welcome the scrutiny of government , which is vital in an open and equitable society
  • As civil service bureau , we have a responsibility to ensure the civil service remains clean , efficient and responsive to the needs of the community , and i welcome the scrutiny of government , which is vital in an open and equitable society
  • With his immense experience , outstanding capabilities and exemplary virtues , mr wang daohan was appointed the mayor of shanghai in 1981 . during his term he put his heart and soul to the opening up of the city and the necessary reforms


  • 从善如流的泰文
  • 从善如流的日语:〈成〉善に従うこと流れるがごとし.喜んで他人のよい意見を受け入れ,またはよい行いを見習うこと.▼“如流”とは水が高いところから低いところに速やかに流れるようにの意.
  • 从善如流的韩语:【성어】 남의 충고를[비판을] 잘 받아들이다. 从善如流, 宜哉; 남의 권고를 잘 받아들인다는 것은 참으로 좋은 일이다 《左传》 他能主动虚心地向群众征求意见, 也能做到从善如流, 因此大家都很尊敬他, 愿意与他接近; 그는 허심탄회하게 대중에게 의견을 구하고, 그것을 또 잘 받아들여서 모두들 그를 존경하며, 그와 가까이 지내려고 한다
  • 从善如流什么意思:cóng shàn rú liú 【解释】形容能迅速地接受别人的好意见。 【出处】《左传·成公八年》:“君子曰:从善如流,宜哉。” 【示例】“八毛!”他也立刻懂得,将五分钱让去,真是“~”,有正人君子的风度。(鲁迅《华盖集续编·马上日记》) 【拼音码】csrl 【灯谜面】浪 【用法】主谓式;作谓语、宾语、定语;指听从别人的意见 【英文】readily accept good advice...
从善如流的英文翻译,从善如流英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译从善如流,从善如流的英文意思,從善如流的英文从善如流 meaning in English從善如流的英文从善如流怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。