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音标:[ kùnshòuyóudòu ]  发音:  


  • a beast at bay will put up a desperate fight.; a final desperate fling; a man in desperation will still put up a stubborn fight.; a pent-up beast will yet fight.; a wild beast in the toils still fights.; a wild beast, when cornered, will stand at bay.; cornered beasts will still fight.; even a beast at bay will fight.; even a trapped beast struggles.; even pent-up wild beasts attempt to struggle.; fighting back like a cornered animal; one fights to the death in desperation.; the crushed worm will turn.; thread on a worm and it will turn.: 你不知道困兽犹斗吗? 为什么这样麻 痹大意? don't you know the crushed worm will turn? why are you so lacking in vigilance


  • Although the criminals have been stuck in our trap , we must be on guard against their turning to bay
  • Depressed and slinking though they were , eyes of fire were not wanting among them ; nor compressed lips , white with what they suppressed ; nor foreheads knitted into the likeness of the gallows - rope they mused about enduring , or inflicting


  • 困兽犹斗的泰文
  • 困兽犹斗的法语:les bêtes cernées(ou : aux abois)se débattront encore./un homme acculé à l'impasse lutte avec l'énergie du désespoir.
  • 困兽犹斗的日语:〈成〉追いつめられた獣はなお闘う.窮地に陥った悪人がかえって頑強に抵抗するたとえ.窮鼠[きゅうそ]猫をかむ.
  • 困兽犹斗的韩语:【성어】 궁지에 몰린 짐승은 그래도 최후 반항을 한다; 막판에 몰린 자는 그래도 최후 발악을 한다. [주로 악인에 대해 씀]
  • 困兽犹斗的俄语:pinyin:kùnshòuyóudòu (подобно обложенному зверю) отчаянно (упорно) сопротивляться (отбиваться)
  • 困兽犹斗什么意思:kùn shòu yóu dòu 【解释】被围困的野兽还要作最后挣扎。比喻在绝境中还要挣扎抵抗。 【出处】《左传·定公四年》:“困兽犹斗,况人呼?” 【示例】况~,背城一战,尚有不可测之事乎?(明·冯梦龙《东周列国志》第七十九回) 【拼音码】ksyd 【灯谜面】虎牢酣战势未休 【用法】主谓式;作谓语、宾语、分句;含贬义 【英文】come to bay 【故事】...
困兽犹斗的英文翻译,困兽犹斗英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译困兽犹斗,困兽犹斗的英文意思,困獸猶斗的英文困兽犹斗 meaning in English困獸猶斗的英文困兽犹斗怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。