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  • regardless of
  • "不管"英文翻译    no matter; despite; however; ...
  • "不顾"英文翻译    disregard; ignore; in defian ...
  • "来源"英文翻译    source; origin
  • "考"英文翻译    examine; give an examination ...
  • "不管,不顾来源:考试大" 英文翻译 :    regardless of
  • "不顾,不管,不拘" 英文翻译 :    regardless of
  • "不顾,不管,尽管" 英文翻译 :    in spite of
  • "不顾不管" 英文翻译 :    irrespective
  • "不管, 不注意, 不顾" 英文翻译 :    regardless
  • "不管,不顾,尽管,虽然" 英文翻译 :    in spite of
  • "不管,不顾虑" 英文翻译 :    without respect to
  • "不管不顾" 英文翻译 :    regardless
  • "尽管,不管,不顾,虽然" 英文翻译 :    in spite of
  • "虽然;不管;不顾;纵使" 英文翻译 :    in spite of
  • "不收门票来源:考" 英文翻译 :    admission is free
  • "可自己做饭来源:考" 英文翻译 :    self-catering
  • "考" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ动词1.(考试; 考问) examine; give [take] an examination, test or quiz 补考 make-up examination; 考满分 get full marks; 考上大学 be admitted to a university; 考物理 have a test in physics; 统考 the unified state examination; 应考 take [sit for] an examination; 你的数学考得怎么样? how did you do in the maths test [quiz]? 我考考你。i'll give you a quiz.; let me quiz you.2.(检查) check; inspect3.(推求; 研究) study; investigate; verify 待考 remain to be verifiedⅡ名词1.[书面语] (死去的父亲) one's deceased father 先考 deceased father2.(姓氏) a surname 考仲 kao zhong
  • "不管不顾切石边坡" 英文翻译 :    pitched slope
  • "不管怎样,无论如何, 不顾后果地" 英文翻译 :    regardless ad
  • "不顾" 英文翻译 :    (不考虑; 不顾忌) disregard; ignore; in defiance of; in spite of; regardless of; turn a deaf ear to; without giving any thought to 不顾大局 ignore the larger issues; lack of consideration for the whole; show no consideration for the general interest; 不顾个人得失 regardless of personal gain or loss; 不顾法律 disregard of law; 不顾后果 regardless of the consequences; without reflecting on the consequences; 不顾前后 have no scruples; be temerarious; be unreflecting; 不顾情面 without any consideration of personal feelings; 不顾他86岁的高龄 in spite of his eighty-six years; 不顾信义 be guilty of bad faith; 不顾一切 up hill and down dale; in all desperation; regardless of all consequences; desperate; 这项行政命令置法律于不顾。 the administrational order was disregard of the law. 他全然不顾一切礼节。 he has the greatest disregard for all formality
  • "对…考" 英文翻译 :    be thoughtful about
  • "不管" 英文翻译 :    no matter; despite; however; disregard; whether ...or; regardless of 不管结果如何 whatever the consequences are; 不管哪一个 no matter which; whichever; whichsoever; 不管什么地方 wherever; no matter where; 不管什么时候 no matter when; whenever; 不管谁 whoever; whosoever; no matter who; 不管怎样 whatever happens; come what may; in any case; anyway; in either case; at any rate; one way or another; in any way; not on any term; on no terms; at all events; ever so; in any event; by any means; by all means; at any terms; at all occassions; on no account; by fair means or by foul; in any sort; at any price; by any manner of means; by hook or by crook; for the life of me; 不管多大困难, 我们都能克服。 we can overcome any difficulty, however great. 不管天气条件如何, 这块地总是保持稳产高产。 the fields give high and stable yields regardless of climatic circumstances
  • "面(积)考(得)" 英文翻译 :    face cord
  • "来源" 英文翻译 :    1.(事物所从来的地方) source; origin 经济来源 source of income; 原料来源 source of raw materials2.(起源; 发生) originate; stem from 知识来源于实践。 knowledge stems from practice. 一切文艺创作都来源于生活。 all works of art have life as their source
  • "河川的 转贴于 考" 英文翻译 :    potamic
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