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音标:[ jiètífāhuī ]  发音:  


  • seize on some pretext or other to distort; give vent to one's pent-up feelings on some extraneous pretext; make an issue of; make use of a subject as a pretext for one's drawnout talk; make use of the subject under discussion to put over one's own ideas; play on the theme of ...; seize on an incident to exaggerate matters; seize upon a pretext and give vent to one's feelings; seize upon [take] some pretext and make a fuss


  • I am not particularly speaking of such a case as you have supposed about mr. bingley .
  • When she needed excitement , the subject was nikolay and anxiety about his health
  • Got a burning question or opinion about health ? come share it with other surfers
  • Monica : look , i ' m sorry , guys , i just don ' t wanna give them any more ammunition than they already have
  • In korea , comedy is not made merely for generating laughter , it is a device to criticize . the target can be the society , the government , or any individual affairs . films like
  • I would like to take this chance to review myself and my love - hate relationship with theatre and i hope that we can open up more possibilities of liveness and performance
    跟许树宁和经纶的合作,我想, 《 (我)没有罪》不只是借题发挥,更是我希望透过不断的专注的实践,以向布莱希特致敬的创作计划。
  • With this view , he urged his son to hold her in conversation also , and led the unfortunate woman a hard life by dwelling on any causes of complaint lie could bring against her , rather than he would leave her for a moment to her own reflections
  • Anyone who is not familiar with the trend of hong kong pop culture or who does not enjoy hong kong street humors should definitely stay away from this film . the story features nothing new at all . it is just like any wong jing s comedy you have watched before
  • In the second half , the love theme gradually turns up , and it is supported by a reluctant " hair - washing " theory . the idea of paralleling love to hair - washing is no doubt quite innovative , but the script is inadequate to back it up and expand it to make the romance and the ending convincing
  • Comes shortly before kuraki s nationwide tour that will see her performing in places like osaka , hiroshima , fukuoka , hokkaido , and tokyo . all kuraki devotees in the mood for a warm - up to the popular siren s sounds should check out her latest work that includes her hit singles growing of my heart
    雀圣2自摸天后除了有元秋元华这对欢喜冤家,延续功夫的精彩斗法外,更加挪用大长今借题发挥,又或者透过模仿韩国天王rain与武打巨星tony jaa来搞笑,务求令观众在笑声中度过个半小时。


  • 借题发挥的泰文
  • 借题发挥的法语:prendre un sujet pour développer ses propres idées;se servir d'un incident pour insinuer ses propres idées;exploiter le moindre prétexte pour faire qch;déformer et exagérer les faits
  • 借题发挥的日语:〈成〉事によせて自分の真意を述べる. 《聊斋志异 Liáozhāi zhìyì 》中的许多故事,都是借题发挥,意在揭露 jiēlù 当时政治的黑暗腐朽 fǔxiǔ / 『聊斎志異』の中の多くの物語はみな事によせて所見を述べたもので,当時の腐敗した暗黒な政治をあばくのがねらいだった. 我明白,这是他们借题发挥/私には分かっている,これは彼らが手前みそを並べているのだ.
  • 借题发挥的韩语:【성어】 (1)어떤 일을 빌어 자기 진의(眞意)를 표명[발표]하거나 그 일과는 무관한 의론을 발표하다. 어떤 일을 구실 삼아 자기가 하고 싶은 바를 행하다. (2)트집을 잡아 분풀이하다.
  • 借题发挥的俄语:pinyin:jiètífāhuī использовать данную тему (конъюнктуру) как предлог для изложения своих взглядов; воспользоваться как предлогом для выступления
  • 借题发挥什么意思:jiè tí fā huī 【解释】借着某件事情为题目来做文章,以表达自己真正的意见或主张。也指假借某事为由,去做其它的事。 【出处】清·吴趼人《痛史》第七回:“我触动起来,顺口骂他两句。就是你们文人说的,甚么‘借题发挥’的意思呢。” 【拼音码】jtfh 【灯谜面】指着秃子骂和尚人家的马驹敲铁脚 【用法】偏正式;作谓语、宾语、定语、状语; 【英文】make use of the subj...
借题发挥的英文翻译,借题发挥英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译借题发挥,借题发挥的英文意思,借題發揮的英文借题发挥 meaning in English借題發揮的英文借题发挥怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。