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  • be frustrated for all one's talent; able as they were, they had no chance to carry out their ideals.; have talent but no opportunity to use it; have unrecognized talents; hide one's talent in a napkin; one's talents remained unrecognized


  • They feel like they are not given enough opportunities to show their abilities
  • Not only do women represent a large untapped7 pool of talent , they also bring an alternative perspective to management teams
  • Francis thompson might have lived a wasted life and died with his genius unrecognised , had be not been taken up by the meyrell family
  • Based on the three stages of xin qi - ji ' s life , the ego images , created by xin qi - ji ' s ci , included " building a solid career " , " having unrecognized talents " and " leading a quiet life of a recluse "
    根据辛弃疾人生道路的三个阶段,辛词用典塑造的自我形象主要为“建功立业” 、 “怀才不遇”和“退隐闲居”三类。
  • These two emotions are embodied by themselves on sadness in the setback of his talent , his idleness , and his being reduced to poverty , his failure in love , showing illusion in not gaining what he was anxious for or losing what he had
  • Pisces : the artistic talent is outstanding , keep in mind just don ' t meet of aquarius is your fatal lover , you can ' t resist talented people , if the other party and then bosom just doesn ' t meet , you become the person whom the whole world supports him most


  • 怀才不遇的泰文
  • 怀才不遇的日语:〈成〉才能がありながら発揮するチャンスに恵まれないこと.才能が埋もれてしまうこと.
  • 怀才不遇的韩语:【성어】 재능이 있으면서도 펼 기회를 만나지 못하다. →[曲qǔ高和寡]
  • 怀才不遇什么意思:huái cái bū yù 【解释】胸怀才学但生不逢时,难以施展;多指屈居微贱而不得志。 【出处】明·冯梦龙《喻世明言》卷五:“眼见别人才学万倍不如他的,一个个出身显通,享用爵禄偏则自家怀才不遇。” 【示例】高曾祖考,俱是~的秀才。(清·夏敬渠《野叟曝言》) 【拼音码】hcby 【灯谜面】诸葛亮住茅庐 【用法】连动式;作谓语、宾语、定语;指人郁郁不得志 【英文】have talent ...
怀才不遇的英文翻译,怀才不遇英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译怀才不遇,怀才不遇的英文意思,懷才不遇的英文怀才不遇 meaning in English懷才不遇的英文怀才不遇怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。